Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module
Art Smarlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module

The most authentic testimony to the quality of comes from our customers. We invite you to explore our ecommerce portfolio in PrestaShop to discover the excellence of our work.

Art Smartlook Website Visitor Screen Recording Module


Art insert the monitoring code into your own online shop in PrestaShop. The code will be inserted before the tag for look at your website through your customer's eyes!

Available in:

Password: demodemo
Version: 1.0.0


Traffic Analyze website traffic

Smartlook: We will record everything visitors do on your website.
See visitor behavior in a video
Play video recordings of visitors and see what they actually do on your website. It helps you reveal mistakes and find out what to improve. You see visitor’s mouse movement, where he clicked and how he handled filling of forms.
Visitor journey
Smartlook shows all recordings of a visitor in one place. This gives you greater insight and context about the visitor’s behavior. E.g. a visitor came to your website from a Google ad and browsed a few products. Two days later he came back via your Facebook post and finished the purchase.
We generate click, move and scroll heatmaps from the recordings. Watch where your visitors click and how far they scroll down the page. Do they click the buttons you want them to? Do they scroll to content you want them to read? Find out all of that in our heatmaps.
Filter visitors
Find the important visitors using filters. You can filter visitors who were in shopping basket, pricing or other important pages.
Share insights with your team
When you discover bad user experience on your website, simply send a link with the recording to your UX designer or developer, so everyone can see what the issue is.
Tag your visitors
You can show customer info in Smartlook to see who is actually browsing your website. Use our API to link customer’s name, email or other info from your system.


  • See visitor behavior in a video
  • Visitor journey
  • Heatmaps
  • Filter visitors
  • Share insights with your team
  • Have multiple websites in one account
  • Tag your visitors

Product Details

Prestashop v. 1.6.X - v. 1.7.X

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