[PrestaShop Module] View and filter and search orders by shipping mode in Back-End
[PrestaShop Module] View and filter and search orders by shipping mode in Back-End
[PrestaShop Module] View and filter and search...
[PrestaShop Module] View and filter and search...

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[PrestaShop Module] View and filter and search orders by shipping mode in Back-End


Displays in back-end order list the courier selected by the customer with ability to filter and search orders by shipping mode.

Available in:

User: demo@demo.com
Password: demodemo
Version: 1.0.1


Requires PrestaShop 1.7.8.X or higher

Product Details

From PrestaShop 1.7.8.X
PrestaShop v. 8.X
Email support language:
Italian and English

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