Employees of VDT use must be subjected to mandatory health surveillance, as indicated in art. 176 of Legislative Decree 81/08, with particular reference to:
- the risks to sight and eyes;
- the risks for the musculoskeletal system.
Following these investigations, the competent doctor expresses a judgment which may be of:
- eligibility;
- partial, temporary or permanent eligibility, with prescriptions or limitations;
- temporary unfitness;
- permanent unfitness.
Except for special cases that require a different frequency established by the competent doctor, the frequency of the check-ups is:
- two years for workers classified as suitable with prescriptions or limitations, two years for workers who have reached the age of 50;
- five years in the other cases.
- In addition, for cases of temporary unfitness, the competent doctor establishes the deadline for the subsequent fitness visit.
The worker can also be subjected to a control visit for the risks indicated above at his simple request if "it is considered by the competent doctor to be related to professional risks or to his health conditions, susceptible to worsening due to the work performed, in order to to express the judgment of suitability for the specific job ". If the outcome of medical examinations highlights the need and it is not possible to use normal correction devices, workers will be provided, at the expense of the Employer, with special correction devices visual, depending on the activity performed.
The workers assigned to the video terminals must then be subjected to periodic health surveillance, to assess the possible appearance of oculofacial or general alterations referable to the work with the video terminals. These health protection measures apply exclusively to workers who are "screen workers", that is, those who use the screen systematically and habitually for at least 20 hours a week, less the breaks prescribed by law (15 minutes each 2 hours of uninterrupted activity).
However, at any time, every worker can request to be subjected to a control visit, if he accuses visual or musculoskeletal disorders, which could be linked to the use of the video terminal.