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PrestaShop's personal data minimization module is designed to help online store owners comply with Article 5 of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which emphasizes the principle of"data minimization." This principle states that personal data must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed.

Automatic or Manual Data Deletion: The module can be configured to automatically delete user data that is no longer needed for the original purposes of processing. For example, user data that has not been accessed or transacted for a predetermined period of time (e.g., 24 months) may be removed.

Available in:
Version: 1.0.2 (04 Marzo 2024)


Data management in compliance with the GDPR

Minimization of data retention for user accounts and order history.

According to the data minimization principle of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), it is advisable to retain registered users' personal data and order history only as long as necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. When registered user accounts are found to be inactive, it is important to carefully assess the need to retain such data and establish an appropriate retention period that respects the principles of data minimization.

For inactive user accounts and order history in an ecommerce, you might consider the following:

  1. Local laws and regulations: Check if there are local laws or regulations that establish mandatory retention periods for certain types of personal data. This may vary depending on the country in which you operate.

  2. Reasonable Deadline: Establish a reasonable deadline for retention of inactive user account data and order history. This could be based on factors such as the nature of your business, operational needs, and user expectations.

  3. Data retention policy: Create a clear data retention policy that defines the period of time for which inactive user accounts and order history will be retained. Ensure that this policy is accessible to users.

  4. Notify users: Inform users about your data retention policy and notify them before deleting their data in accordance with this policy. You may send email alerts or display notifications when users log into their inactive accounts.

  5. Data deletion process: through our module for PrestaShop GDPR Data Minimizer you can either manually or automatically remove inactive customer data and order history once the retention period has expired.

It is advisable to retain inactive user account data and order history only as long as necessary and to establish a clear and transparent data retention policy that complies with the data minimization principles of the GDPR.

Why remove obsolete data?

It is not only a regulatory issue, but removing old orders and inactive users is also a consgiglianta practice for:

  1. Reducing storage space: Removing obsolete data reduces the amount of storage space needed in the PrestaShop database, improving overall system performance and reducing data storage costs.

  2. Improved site performance: Removing unused data reduces server load and speeds up PrestaShop's website response time, improving user experience and increasing customer satisfaction.

  3. Privacy and regulatory compliance: Deleting inactive users from newsletters and logins helps ensure compliance with privacy laws, such as GDPR, reducing the risk of data breaches and resulting legal penalties.

  4. Improved data quality: Deleting inactive users and outdated data reduces the risk of errors or outdated information in the database, improving the accuracy and reliability of the remaining data.

  5. Better targeting and marketing: Removing inactive users from newsletters allows marketing efforts to focus on more engaged audiences likely to respond to communications, improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and increasing conversion rates.

  6. Resource optimization: Removing inactive users allows you to optimize resources and focus efforts on active users and potential customers who could generate more revenue for e-commerce.

In summary, removing old data from the PrestaShop database and deleting inactive users from newsletters and logins leads to greater efficiency, privacy compliance, improved data quality, and more targeted marketing, contributing overall to e-commerce success.

Product Details

PrestaShop 1.7.X / 8.X
Email support language:
Italian and English
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