Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light
Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light
Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light
Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light
Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light
Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light

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Modulo Art POS Gateway 18app Light


The Art 18app Light module allows you to accept payments through the 18app by verifying and burning the voucher through the SOAP calls from the MIUR Web Service (Ministry of Education of University and Research).

Available in:

Password: demodemo
Version: 1.2.1 (25/11/2021)


Conversion rate Provides a payment method suitable to your customers

The Art 18app Light permits acceptance of the 18app vouchers for all electronic commerce enabled in online selling of products falling within the 18app initiative referred to in Article 1, paragraph 124 of Law no. 107 of 2015 (School Voucher).
18app is an initiative of the Italian Government the module Art 18app is only for Italian merchants or merchants who have businesses in Italy and are accredited on 18app.


•Allows you to activate the operator at MIUR
•Verify the 18app voucher through the MIUR / SOGEI Web Service
•Validate the voucher by collecting the amount of the order through the MIUR / SOGEI Web Service
The eighteen will be able to purchase through their 18app (School Voucher) similar to other payment module (e.g. PayPal).

Installation Easy to install, it includes the guide for the generation of the CA (.der file) and the activation of the operator at MIUR for online sales.

Product Details

PrestaShop 1.7.X / 8.X

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